Thursday, February 7, 2008


· You will write approximately one entry per week (minimum 10 entries) with a minimum of 150 words for each entry. Students are encouraged to write more.

· You are also required to read and make comments on two other students or instructors blogs every week for a total of at least 20 comments. One comment should be about 3 sentences long. Students are encouraged to make more comments.

· The final due date for the blog project is Thursday, April 3, 2008. You need to do at least 10 posts (minimum 150 words each) and 20 comments in order to get full marks. Your blog contributes to your final participation mark.

PLEASE post a comment on this message to say you understand the assignment and then you can get started blogging.


Ru said...

Marcy, I'm Ru. I understand.

Tania Yaitzkiy said...

Hello Marcy, I understand this assignment, I hope do it good, thank for your help.

hinojosa ca said...

Hello Marcy, I forgot writer it this comment, I understand, see you soon

Margarita said...

Hello Marcy, Ok. I understand. Thank you.

Klaudia'S timE! said...

hello marcy i unders=tand! hahahahaa i know it's so late sorry! really i don't know what happened to me this course im not like this seriously, but i wan to say an apoloyaise to you... soo im really sorry because im a bad student and this is my fault i mean about my score, but thank you so much for your classes you are a good teacher becuase sometime i didin't do my hW but i remember all the time your vocabulary haha i know its extrenge anyway thank you so much for everything!
have a nice day!!!