Monday, March 10, 2008

My Weekend

My last two weekends have been really great. 2 weeks ago it was my 2nd wedding anniversary so my husband and I went out to Johnston Canyon, near Banff, and did a little hiking. After that, we looked in a few stores in Banff and had a nice dinner. It was reallu good just to get out of the city.

This past weekend was action-packed and filled with friends and eating out. Friday we went out with our friends who have been to Peru recently. We are planning a trip there, so it was good toget some information from them. Saturday we enjoyed the nice weather, went out for lunch with my best friend and the n went to the free Roughnecks game. It was a lot of fun because there were so many people there. After a bunch of us went to a bar for dinner and some drinks and just to visit. On Sunday, I dragged my butt out of bed and went to the gym and spent the rest of the day working and watching tv. Yeahhhhhhh! IT was a good one!