Monday, March 10, 2008

My Weekend

My last two weekends have been really great. 2 weeks ago it was my 2nd wedding anniversary so my husband and I went out to Johnston Canyon, near Banff, and did a little hiking. After that, we looked in a few stores in Banff and had a nice dinner. It was reallu good just to get out of the city.

This past weekend was action-packed and filled with friends and eating out. Friday we went out with our friends who have been to Peru recently. We are planning a trip there, so it was good toget some information from them. Saturday we enjoyed the nice weather, went out for lunch with my best friend and the n went to the free Roughnecks game. It was a lot of fun because there were so many people there. After a bunch of us went to a bar for dinner and some drinks and just to visit. On Sunday, I dragged my butt out of bed and went to the gym and spent the rest of the day working and watching tv. Yeahhhhhhh! IT was a good one!


Tania Yaitzkiy said...

Happy 2nd anniversary! Hope you celebrate 100 more!

Marcy said...

Thank you so much

Margarita said...

Congratulations by the second wedding anniversary.

Klaudia'S timE! said...

hi marcy!!! i love that picture!! it's so cute looks like a professional picture hehe i love that kind of pictures!

♥ Sunny ♥ said...

Hi marcy.Congratulations about your second wedding anniversary.
I want get marry when i saw your picture.because you look very happy in this picture. I like this picture.

♥ Sunny ♥ said...

Today I'm sad. bacause I heard that you will move different shool.
I want that you will teach me next semester. but I don't worry. You are already best of best theacher to me. so We will meet again. I will contact with e-mail. Don't forget me.~~!!

hinojosa ca said...

Thanks for everything Marcy, I really learned in your class
Good luck

Klaudia'S timE! said...

heyy marcy today i listened you move to another schOOl... so thanks for evrything you are a really good teacher so dont worry every thing gonna be all right!
do your best! i know you can because you are execelenT!