Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Keep Checking Back

1 will do at least 1 more post...so keep checking back!

Monday, March 10, 2008

My Weekend

My last two weekends have been really great. 2 weeks ago it was my 2nd wedding anniversary so my husband and I went out to Johnston Canyon, near Banff, and did a little hiking. After that, we looked in a few stores in Banff and had a nice dinner. It was reallu good just to get out of the city.

This past weekend was action-packed and filled with friends and eating out. Friday we went out with our friends who have been to Peru recently. We are planning a trip there, so it was good toget some information from them. Saturday we enjoyed the nice weather, went out for lunch with my best friend and the n went to the free Roughnecks game. It was a lot of fun because there were so many people there. After a bunch of us went to a bar for dinner and some drinks and just to visit. On Sunday, I dragged my butt out of bed and went to the gym and spent the rest of the day working and watching tv. Yeahhhhhhh! IT was a good one!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The weekend is almost here!

I love my weekends and I always look forward to them. Tomorrow is Friday and I am so excited. I think I am going to Banff this weekend to go hiking and spend some quality time with my husband. The weather should be good and it will be nice to get out of the chaos of the city. It will be quiet and relaxing...I can't wait. I will even try to put up some pictures on Sunday.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Long Weekend

I just wanted to write a quick note to tell you all to have a GREAT long weekend. Don't forget to work on your blog AND your charity assignment, because it's due next Thursday. See you in a couple of days.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


· You will write approximately one entry per week (minimum 10 entries) with a minimum of 150 words for each entry. Students are encouraged to write more.

· You are also required to read and make comments on two other students or instructors blogs every week for a total of at least 20 comments. One comment should be about 3 sentences long. Students are encouraged to make more comments.

· The final due date for the blog project is Thursday, April 3, 2008. You need to do at least 10 posts (minimum 150 words each) and 20 comments in order to get full marks. Your blog contributes to your final participation mark.

PLEASE post a comment on this message to say you understand the assignment and then you can get started blogging.

Welcome Students

Welcome to my blog. I am excited to read your blogs and see your improvement over the semester. I also look forward to making comments on your blogs and receiving comments from you on my blog. Make sure you have 9 name links on your blog and you play around with colors, layout, adding pictures etc. If there is anything specific you have a question about, just post me a message or ask me in class.

Think of this as an excellent communication tool because you can tell the world what you are thinking, and your classmates and teacher can make comments on your blog.

Blogs allow you to post your thoughts, ideas, feelings and comments on the Internet. Enjoy practicing your English and HAVE FUN!